In the midst of my scrambling to complete an essay that is due tomorrow, I remembered I actually have a blog here. It's hard to remember simple things when you're so driven to accomplish something else. And then I mentally slapped myself.

I have been preaching the qualities of a good student to everyone this entire semester... And there I was/still am PROCRASTINATING. Gosh, I'm such a hypocrite. We're not all perfect, so that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

Anyways, I want to keep this post short because I've covered everything I said I would in the weeks prior to this one. But I still want to end with a bang... And by bang I mean I'm about to get really emotional.

Like I had said during my presentation in class, I have been through a crap ton of stuff. I went to school on a volleyball scholarship, got sick because I couldn't handle the stress and take care of myself, and now I'm back here trying to be a normal student again. It's rough. But this blog has saved me countless times. When everything seems to get too overwhelming, too big, I think of this blog and how I have smushed many student problems into tiny posts. School doesn't have to be this intimidating, complex thing. Nope. If you can look at it and apply little tiny fixes for dilemmas here and there, it is manageable. And that's what I have needed while getting back on my feet.

Without this blog, I don't think I would have survived returning to school. I have been so worked up since my "dark times" in Tennessee that I have literally made myself sick thinking about going through anything like that again! But I am! 

So basically, I just wanted to say thank you guys for putting up with me through these blog posts. And if you've taken away any advice from the posts, had a few laughs along the way, or just connected with anything I've written then that is freakin' awesome!! I've tried to be as entertaining as possible while simultaneously sounding like I know what I am talking about, so hopefully I have accomplished just that!

Although I have enjoyed my time with this blog, I have made the decision to discontinue it after this class. It has done exactly what I needed it to do: it helped me mend the relationship I have with school. Oh, and it also filled a requirement for a class, but that's whatever... HA HA just kidding. :) 

Anyways, I guess it's that time again. You know... The goodbye part. The only way I know how to express myself right now is through Nine. It's corny, but it's only fitting that I use a fandom reference to close out my final post.

and you know what?

Thank you for helping me find myself again.

As always, it's been real. Signing off from BeingStudents101 one last time,

Taylor xx
I guess this will be the second last post on the blog/the last post you guys will actually read, so I might as well do something useful with it! Since it's nearing the end of the Fall semester and final papers, tests, and EXAMS are inevitably rolling around, it's fitting that our last problem we tackle would be the biggy of the bunch. Exams.. dun dun dun!

Obviously exams are massively important, but preparing yourself for them is beyond stressful! And on top of that, your memory and recall of the info you've learned seems to disappear along with your sanity. Exams suck... There is no other way (or nicer way) to put it. But studying is SO MUCH WORSE! It's all of that panicking, anxiety, and nervousness leading up to the exams that really does us all in. I'm going to throw some studying/test taking tips out there that you can choose or not choose to use in the upcoming weeks.


Concentrating on one thing in this century is DIFFICULT, what with all of this technology and stuff at our fingertips. The key is to limit distractions. It all starts with focus and, believe it or not, you cannot multitask and do each activity at 100%. Having your mind split its concentration between 7 different things will limit its ability to retain the information you actually need! 

Switch Off
  • Power down the smartphones, the gaming consoles, the televisions, iPods etc, and focus at the task at hand.
  • You are not a robot, you do not need to be plugged-in to the technology world at all times. Give it a break... Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, it will all be there when you're done (unless a zombie apocalypse or something breaks out, then it probably won't... on the plus side IT WOULD FINALLY BE MY TIME TO SHINE!)
Limit Other Distractions
  • Sit in a quiet room without electronics/other accessible distractions and only bring the necessary tools you need to study/complete your work.

The information you learn in lectures can slowly fade when you are not actively remembering it. Your mind is just like your body: Muscle deteriorates when it is not being trained, just like your memory fades when it is not being used. Small amounts of studying done on a regular basis can help you avoid forgetting little details and ultimately improve your recall of the info during an exam. Some tips:

Have a study schedule
  • Don't just study in one excruciating session. Space out your study times and take it in strides. 
SIDE NOTE: Take a break
  • Grab a snack, watch a show, go outside! Determination is great, but studying too much at one time can be just as detrimental as not studying at all.
  • This will provide you with an escape from the stressful environment, allowing you to return to your studying calm and ready to go!  


Now that you've managed to get through the studying process, there's just the little dilemma of now surviving the actual exam! First things first: you need to look after yourself prior to taking it!

  • Go to bed early! A good night's rest will not only help you relax, but it's always nice when you don't fall asleep in the middle of taking an exam due to sleep deprivation. 
  • Eat a good breakfast/lunch/dinner/whatever. Your body needs good nutrients to help your brain function at full capacity!
  • Go for a walk or lightly exercise before your exam! This will help reduce stress and narrow in your focus.
  • Don't study the day of your exam. Leave your text books at home. Last minute studying right before can confuse you and can cause you to panic. If you don't know the information by now, you never will.
  • Take deep breaths, friend. The information is there you just need to access it.

Everyone has the potential to do well on their exams regardless of whatever grades you head into them with. It's all about the preparation and planning you do before hand! You have some time to prepare, so get on it and start NOW! And most importantly,

I have faith in ALL OF YOU :)

As always, it's been a pleasure blogging for you guys! I wish y'all the best in the weeks to come.

Taylor xx

I was browsing for a good topic for this week's post when I came across this little gem of an article:

Basically, it talks about all of those things we imagined ourselves doing when we finally arrived at university aka partying, going wild, being weird etc. Instead of nitpicking small university dilemmas, I thought it'd be nice to look at some of the cool things the article suggests we try before we graduate. The real world is unfamiliar to most of us and it can be a little uncomfortable, so what better way to practice than to try out some silly stuff now? ONWARD! 

(These lists are NOT mine)


1. Feed the campus wildlife
2. Have an epic karaoke night at your house using just YouTube, booze, and your natural star quality
3. Go on a date with someone you would normally say no to- give them a chance
4. Hand in an essay early
5. Busk on campus for a charity
6. Teach someone something
7. Read a book that isn't study-related
8. Hire a bike for a week and see how it works out for you
9. Study in every library that exists in your university
10. Drive to a beach. Swim.

I had to laugh. I was skimming down the list at first nodding and thinking, “Hey, these are all pretty basic!” until I got to #10… Yes, yes, let us go swim in the toxic great lakes and develop a third eye or a fin! Unless you’re into those things, then by all means knock yourself out! I look forward to reading about you in the paper!


11. Make your own booze
12. Go to a university sports team's game. Get vocal and animated with your support.
13. Have an incredibly elaborate picnic on a uni green space one lunch time.
14. Sit in on a lecture that's completely out of your field, but that you've always been fascinated by.
15. Join a society for something you've always wanted to do, but never got round to.
16. Apply for internships and jobs
17. Turn up at a 9am lecture along with all the other students dressed in your PJs
18. Go to the careers office and speak to them completely honestly.
19 Go on a weekend country jaunt with friends- get as remote as possible.
20. Start a conga line.

Wait a minute.. LET’S MAKE CANADIAN MAPLE MOONSHINE! I am pretty sure they just mean MIX your drinks, but I like to imagine myself in a secret underground lab constructing the perfect krabby patty beverage. Let me dream.


21. Go see the art department's end of the year show.
22. Go to a play put on by the drama department or a uni society.
23. Get involved in a play or some kind of performance.
24. Visit all historical buildings and monuments in town.
25. Go out sober and dance all night.
26. Swim in a fountain.
27. Go paddling on a hot day.
28. Hold your own Come Dine With Me with other student houses.
29. Take part in a protest.
30. Write in to the uni radio station.

Pick one. Do it.


31. Dress up! As a fictional character, an animal - anything.
32. If you think a lecture was particularly good, try and instigate a standing ovation.
33. Do something- anything- silly, for charity.
34. Give your parents an in-depth tour of all the great stuff you do and love at uni.
35. Have a sleepover.
36. Play an elaborate prank on a roommate.
37. Win a pub quiz
38. Make a kite and fly it.
39. Have an 80s montage house cleaning session, with appropriate outfits and music blaring.
40. Go on a blind date.

A little more challenging. But doable. Try it out. P.s. I will participate in a standing ovation.


41. Find out the names of all those people you know far too well to not know their names.
42. Dye your hair.
43. Sleep out under the stars.
44. Make a movie starring your friends and your favourite places.
45. Celebrate something by doing the classic shake up a bottle of champagne and spraying it all over yourself and everywhere.
46. Make friends with a student from a country you've never known or been to.
47. Go inside every building that is part of the university.
48. Become a wise mentor for a Freshman doing your course. Tell them what you wish you'd known.
49. Learn a new sport or instrument or activity that you never thought you would.
50. Get loads of discounts, free things and cool stuff by joining different savings clubs.

I have a quick story before I depart for the day. This was my attempt at completing an item from the list:

I wanted to complete 45 (shaking the champagne bottle) because WHY THE HELL NOT? We had some bottles lying around in the garage, untouched and dusty. I grabbed one, went to the kitchen, cleaned it up, and prepared myself. Upon opening the bottle, I realized I had made a terrible mistake: Stretched out across the entire ceiling, about a foot lower than the actual fluorescent lights, were those wobbly-sounding, flexible plastic panels. You can just imagine what happened next...


....We are currently renovating the kitchen and it's lighting fixtures. I wish I would've taken a picture. Sadly, I was too shocked and scared for my life that I tried to hide the evidence as quickly as possible. And that demon cork? We never found it.

ANYWAYS. Be safe, be smart. You can always make some adjustments to the items and do them your way (and a less destructive way)! In the end, it's all about enhancing the university experience and enjoying yourself. Just try a few!

As always, it's been real. See y'all tomorrow!!

Taylor xx
I know we've all stopped to think about our futures at one point or another. Y'know, course selections, choosing majors, career options, etc etc. Usually there are two reactions... complete indifference, or complete panic. The first usually springs up because we believe we are young and have plenty of time to decide what we want to do with the rest of our lives. The second normally arises because we understand that we aren't as young as we think we are and these choices will soon be upon us! The best way to deal with this is to find middle ground between the two. Don't just forgo thinking about your future. Care about it! But don't stress out! You ARE young and there IS time. So let's talk about it.


Were you born to be something? Or are you made into something?

Some people have been fortunate enough to know what they've wanted to be since they were wee little tots. You have that inexplicable draw towards a certain job, your traits just radiate the ones necessary for it, and you just KNOW it's what you're destined to do. If this is you then congratulations. You are luckier than most of the world's population! You were BORN to do something and that is awesome!

Some of us are not so lucky. Sometimes things just don't come naturally to people at all. I'd like to believe we were all born to do something with our lives, but that isn't necessarily the case. Sometimes we have to actually build upon our qualities and our skills in order to find a job suitable for us. Sometimes it takes a little more effort.


Have you ever tried to describe yourself to someone? Sometimes on applications a question will pop up and say, "Tell me something interesting about yourself" or something along those lines. What do you usually write down? Do you just Google stuff and pick the ones you think the boss would like to hear? Or do you genuinely try to describe yourself? Maybe you just don't know.

Before picking a career path, you should be able to identify what kind of a person you are. No, I am not saying you need to know yourself inside and out. What I mean is that you should know the basics:

Interests: What are you drawn to? 

Values: What motivates you to behave a certain way and make certain decisions?

Skills: What are you good at? What are you not so good at?

Personality: Are you an introvert? Extrovert? What are your interpersonal needs?

These 4 categories can help eliminate and narrow down paths that are geared towards you. You wouldn't want to do something where you're stuck with people if you prefer being alone, just like you wouldn't want to be doing some hardcore math if you're terrified of numbers. There's no sense in making yourself miserable by having a job you despise when you can find one that you'd actually enjoy!

Still struggling with describing yourself? That's alright! It's perfectly normal. But if you want to take this detective work one step further, here are some sites I came across that are actually pretty insightful AND helpful!


Once you've got an idea of what career you're interested in, start gearing your studies in the direction of it. Major in something relevant to your desired job, choose courses that will benefit you in the long run, and keep on that path! The best way to find out what to take class wise/what to major in is to look at job requirements and recommendations! Talking to an advisor is always a good start too.

If you still don't know what you want to do, or if you keep switching between choices, that's okay! You have time! It does no good rushing something this important. If it takes you more time than others, so be it! This is NOT a competition! Okay, maybe you will compete for jobs someday... but only go cut-throat ninja when it's time. Until then, keep your ninja stars to yourself.

But don't just put this off. It is something you should always be conscious of even if you are confused and have no clue what you want to do. Try experimenting with your different interests. Maybe research jobs that are linked with your hobbies. Try shadowing someone (following somebody around at work, with their permission of course) that has a job you would like to know more about. Give your future the attention it deserves. 

This is YOUR life. Some people feel that they are born to be something, but no matter what you will always have to work hard for what you want even if it does come naturally. Life isn't necessarily about finding your good qualities, but more so about building and creating them! You are a piece of art in the making; take steps in the right direction to become a wonderful masterpiece. Your dream job could be just a few brush strokes away!

Sorry for the corny ending there! BUT I HAD TO. :) Hope y'all are having a fantastic week! And good luck to everyone who is presenting tomorrow! 

- Taylor xx
Hey y'all! I know my previous posts have had some sassy comments and jokes, but this post topic is sensitive and deserves to be handled delicately and with respect. So please excuse my lack of humour.

When you were but a wee, young tot, you probably dreamed of becoming a doctor, a firefighter, maybe even a princess! The point is, you dreamed about being something.... something great. You were probably really proud of your aspiration too, exclaiming your dream matter-of-factly to whoever would ask. Life is so much simpler through the eyes of a child. You knew what you wanted to be, but you didn't worry about who you were. You never second-guessed a friend, or judged somebody for something they liked or something they wanted to be. You naturally accepted everyone because you didn't know any better... you were untainted by society's expectations and prejudices. Unfortunately as time progresses, acceptance is harder to find.


Before I completely lose you, the reason I decided to write this post was because I was inspired by my friend. He is in university; a straight A student, impossibly kind, the funniest kid you'll ever meet, oh, and very, very gay. Growing up, he was terrified of coming out to his parents and friends. Society has not been very "tolerant" of homosexuality and because of this, my friend was never able to express who he truly is. He remained quiet about his sexuality and pretended to be someone he wasn't. Fortunately for him, when he decided to come out (very recently), his parents and his circle of friends were (and still are) supportive and proud of him! We love him to death and would accept him even if he turned into a donkey during the full moon. It pains me to think that he thought he couldn't initially tell us! But his exact words were, "It's not you... it was everyone else."

What? His comment left me dumbstruck. But he was right. Society is so hard on people who have unconventional traits (I really don't know how else to phrase this... not being the stereotypical Adam or Eve?). It's not just the LGBT community either. For example: Racism and sexism are still problems too! The worst part is that a lot of people are so desensitized to these issues that they don't even realize that it's happening or that maybe they're contributing to the problem themselves! It's the little things: the negative comments, the jokes, the stares, anything that remotely makes someone feel uncomfortable, unwanted, and unaccepted. It all fuels the fire.

You might be asking, "how is this relevant to your blog?"... Well, I'll tell you right now! This is ALWAYS relevant. But sticking to this blog, our teenage years and our twenties are possibly our most vulnerable and influential when it comes to developing our identity. High school and university are times where we seek social acceptance. You experiment, try to find your "group", test out new hair styles, wear weird clothes, listen to strange music, maybe even try out some not so great things. It's all a part of the process of our development and without this stage in our life, we'd be lost in identity limbo. 

Identity is a touchy subject at the best of times and most of us struggle and will continue to struggle with finding ourselves. But imagine what it is like to be afraid of who you are, to fear that people will despise you for being born a certain way. Imagine being scared to even try to find out who you are. It's the average identity crisis x10000 and quite frankly, it's appalling.

Nobody should be afraid of themselves. No one should have to wake up and look in the mirror, hating who they see. Everyone is different. It's just something that we're going to have to accept.


If you can look at yourself, and I mean truly look, and say that you know exactly who you are and are comfortable with it, then I applaud you. Really!

But think about those people who are not as fortunate. Look at your friends, family, neighbours, strangers... Maybe they haven't found themselves yet. Maybe they're still hiding, ashamed to be who they are. Maybe they're scared that if they reveal themselves fully, then society will tear them apart.


It's inevitable. Society will always judge. There will always be people who do not accept certain sexualities, races, religions, etc. But progress is possible. Acceptance is possible. And it starts right here... With us. Be a friend. Listen. Try to understand. It's the only way to move forward and leave all of this judgemental crap behind. The only way to change things is to do it ourselves. If we begin to accept and support variety in our world, maybe those people who are terrified to be different will find the confidence to step out of the shadows and finally LIVE.

To all of those people who are scared, to everyone who is hiding, to every single person who has ever wanted to change themselves just to fit in, I say this:

SHINE. Be yourself. You are a perfect little ray of sunshine and everything you are is unique and beautiful. Do not let anybody take that away from you.

Conformity is overrated. Dare to stand out and be YOU.

As always, it was a pleasure blogging for you guys. Until next week,

Taylor xx


I'll be honest with you guys... I often find myself in situations where my life feels out of balance and the world seems to be throwing every problem in my face all at once. This might sound ridiculously dramatic, but stress can do that to a person.

The average person is faced with deadlines, demands, and plenty of frustration every single day. The sad part is that we experience stress so often that we have become desensitized to it's presence in our lives. 

Stress is the response our bodies have to feeling threatened or "out of whack". It gives us that "fight or flight" feeling, the one that either makes us want to tackle our problems head on or curl up into a tiny little ball in the corner of our rooms. It can be caused by so many things: School, work, family, relationships, anything really!


Alarming, isn't it? I could go through that list and check off about 99% of those as something I have experienced at one time or another due to stress.

Stress has been seen as both good and bad: Good because it can put you on your toes and motivate you to accomplish something, but bad because it can literally make you sick and just not yourself. I personally find that stress is gigantic pain in my arse, not a motivator! The only thing that stress makes me want to do is flip tables and throw things out windows. But hey, that's just me!


You will never fully eliminate stress even if the sign says you can. However, you can learn to manage it and salvage your sanity in the process. Here are a few techniques to help during times where you're about to spontaneously combust:

1) Deep breaths. Slow things down and reign in your focus. Concentrate on that breath, take control of the tempo of your life, and go at your own pace.

2) Remove yourself from the stressful situation. Just take a break! It's as simple as putting down your school work for a little bit and cooling off. Your body will thank you for it and you'll probably be more productive when you return to your work.

3) Physical activity. Go for a run, go to the gym, walk your dog, get active! Blowing off steam is the perfect way to help calm down those stressed out nerves.

MY PERSONAL FAVOURITE: Go pet a fluffy little kitty or puppy. This is self-explanatory. You're welcome. :)

Life is not rainbows, lollipops, and unicorns frolicking in a field of daisies. Life is a biznitch. It kicks us in the derriere extremely hard at times and it sends us into downward spirals of rage. However, learning to acknowledge our stressors and taking steps toward relaxing ourselves in their presence will help us keep control in those table-flipping moments. It's a choice, really. Choose to handle situations instead of letting them stomp all over you! 

When I start to lose my mind, Gimli comes to me speaking words of wisdom.

And thus my sanity is restored! 

Well, now that I have written about de-stressing, maybe I can take my own advice and relax! I hope y'all are having a great week and keeping your stress levels under control!

Until next time,
Taylor xx
Okay, so I know we don't have to post anything, but I'd still love to say a big (belated) Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! Hope you had the BEST dinner and all that jazz!

This weekend was my 20th birthday (October 13th) so I had a few things to celebrate! :) I also went to the Supernatural Convention (yay birthday presents) from Friday-Sunday in Toronto!!!

I got to meet these three perfect people: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and Misha Collins! (plus a lot of the other cast members!) They were all so amazing! These three also wished me a happy birthday, pulled me into a group hug, and squeezed me so tight I couldn't breathe! Basically, it was the best moment of my life!

I feel like I am totally bragging over here (I am so sorry for that), but I've just been dying to share what I have been up to!!!

Anyways, I really do hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and that your reading week is going great!

Until next week,

Taylor xx

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